March 25, 2011

Bag #10-12

If you're coming into this in the middle of my project, here is the link to what I am talking about.

I am still working on this project, but some isn't as glamorous as others.  The pictures are all starting to look the same--hey, it's another bag full of stuff.  Along with my spring cleaning indoors, there are some needs outside that are getting attended to.

Bag #10 was a bag full of my neighbor's dog's poop.  I had all sorts of terrible thoughts about what to do with that bag, but since I want to keep up neighborly relations, I'll just post my fantasies here. 
  • Paper bag, on their doorstep, light it on fire, ring the bell, and run.
  • Simple deposit on the front stoop, just so they can have what's theirs.
  • My favorite one, and I did toy with it for a while, was to leave the pile of crap in the front yard with a sign that says, "Lost and Found" with bags attached to the sign so people could remove what was theirs.
  • This wouldn't be a bag, but it was quite tempting to simply fling the poo from my yard to the one next door.
  • How about you?  Do you have a favorite idea, or want to vote on one of mine?
Bag #11 was a bag filled with my old and ratty towels and washcloths.  I will take them down to the animal shelter in town.  If they were a little better quality, they would be useful at the homeless shelter or in the clothing closet.

Bag #12 was a bag filled with nice curtains and tablecloths that I no longer use.  Those will be going to the clothing closet in town.

If I bagged up all the laundry I have folded this week as I clear out the fall/winter clothes and bring out the spring/summer clothes, it would probably fill another four bags.  I have also filled one more bag for the clothing closet.

My goal for the upcoming weekend is to expand on the toys and books that we're moving on out.  I will also be starting seeds for our garden and doing more work on the raised beds.  I'll post some more gardening stuff as we work on it, and you can click on the gardening tab on the tag cloud to read some of my posts in this regard from last year. 

I'd love to hear more about what others are doing in the interest of spring cleaning. 

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